Astrology for the week of May 9 - 15, 2021

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This is a BIG exciting week for us astrologically!

First, we have our annual Taurus New Moon on Tuesday (a time for new beginnings) and THEN lucky Jupiter changes sign to Pisces for the first time since 2011, indicating a new opportunity area in which each of us may grow with total ease!

In addition, by the week’s end, we will see HALF the sky in their ruling signs. So don’t be surprised if this week feels like lots of little puzzle pieces start quickly snapping into place!

New Moon in Taurus on 5/11 at 3pm EST / 12pm PST:

This is our only New Moon in Taurus for the year, indicating fresh starts and inspired actions in a certain area of your life, depending on your zodiac/birth chart.

The Taurus energy that we have promotes feelings of stability, feeling supported in the material plane, making more money, making big purchases, and getting into our somatic bodies in such a present way that we can fully enjoy the sensual richness of our experiences here on this Earth! Basically, we are encouraged to get out of our heads and into our bodies, and savor all the tastes, sounds, smells, sights and touches this world has to offer.

In general, at a New Moon, you cast your vision for what you’d like to create and then start taking steps forward (like planting seeds) during the two weeks afterwards (May 11th-24th). We’d expect these “seeds” to bear fruit (the new endeavor to reach a culmination) by the corresponding FULL Moon in Taurus, which occurs on November 19, 2021.

My favorite way to commemorate a New Moon is to write my intentions sometime in the first 8-24 hours AFTER the moment the New Moon occurs. As per my favorite author on this, Jan Spiller, write your wishes in the POSITIVE TENSE, only about YOU, and try to include the type of ultimate outcome you desire instead of the particular manifestation you have your mind set on. 

Vision-boarding also works, too.

AstroOils New Moon in Taurus Diffuser Blend:

💧💧 Green Mandarin

💧💧 Geranium

💧💧 Patchouli essential oils*

(Diffuse in the two weeks after the New Moon, in order to feel centered in your physical body, sensual, open-hearted, and ready to start some exciting new endeavors!)

Jupiter moves into Pisces on 5/13:

Benevolent Jupiter, who opens the doors to opportunities, luck and expansion for us, moves into the dreamy, compassionate sign of Pisces for the first time since 2011! Jupiter feels quite at home in Pisces, as in ancient times, Pisces was considered Jupiter’s ruler.

Here’s the rub: when Jupiter goes into a certain sign, it indicates a NEW PLACEMENT in each of our charts. That means we each have a NEW area of our life where we are considered favored or lucky. So, the way MY efficient Virgo self reads this is that—other things being equal—if we put a little more focus and effort into this NEW area of life, then Jupiter will exponentially help us get what we all desire. In other words, let’s work WITH Jupiter to get the results we desire with the least amount of hardship!

That said, because of the fact that Jupiter goes retrograde each year (appears to move backward), Jupiter in Pisces is broken up into THREE DIFFERENT CHUNKS OF TIME, instead of the usual 13 solid months: 

  • The first will be now: May 13th through July 28th

  • Then December 29, 2021 through May 10, 2022.

  • Finally, we have October 28, 2022 through December 20, 2022.

  • Then not again for another 12 years!

Here are the areas of your life were you can make gigantic strides from May 13th to July 28th:

ARIES: Sleep, rest, healing, processing everything that’s transpired over the past several years, clearing out situations that no longer fit, creativity, imagination, spirituality, intuition. 

TAURUS: Community, finding your tribe, feeling like you have a higher purpose, humanitarian causes.

GEMINI: Career! Professional advancement and recognition. Fatherhood, or your relationship with your own father.

CANCER: Personal growth and development, in ALL the ways the “ancients” thought we learned best: higher education, international travel, entrepreneurship, interacting with those from different cultures. Also, broadcasting or publishing your message.

LEO: Shared resources, intimacy and transformation; Passive income sources, settlements, loans, mortgages, residual income and even HOW you choose to merge (or NOT merge) accounts and moneys with someone else; Sex and deep commitment with another; Surgery and/or healing psychological baggage.

VIRGO: Committed partnerships, typically marriage or business collaborations.

LIBRA: Health, Work and Daily routines, which encompasses productivity, our day-to-day work flow, getting organized and wellness habits.

SCORPIO: Romance, fame, fun, creativity, dating, and fertility…oh MY!

SAGITTARIUS: Home, family, self-care, real-estate of any kind, processing our emotions.

CAPRICORN: Communication in all its forms, including writing, speaking, teaching and sales; also, relationships with our siblings and neighbors.

AQUARIUS: Earned income (the “trading time for money” type); large purchases; our values and sense of stability in life.

PISCES: You get to focus on YOU, your identity, your big personal dreams to want to manifest, and your appearance. After clearing out all the “clutter” from your life over the past year+, you get to step into the spotlight and make all your dreams come true.

AstroOils Jupiter in Pisces Diffuser Blend:

💧💧💧 Wild Orange

💧💧      Spikenard 

💧💧      Magnolia TOUCH (use a pipette) essential oils*

(Diffuse on Thursday, May 13th and anytime through July 28th when you’d like to feel expansive, compassionate, and intuitive, and want to create impressive life shifts with ease in this Jupiter phase!)

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.