Astrology for the week of May 16 - 22, 2021

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The big cosmic headliner this week is that the Sun is leaving the grounded sign of the bull and entering the clever, quick-witted sign of Gemini for the next month!

Gemini Season Begins on 5/20:

Practical be damned! Dotting “i’s” and crossing “t’s” take a backseat on Thursday and for the next few weeks, as we gravitate towards heady pursuits and connection with those nearest and dear.  

Don’t be surprised if your brain is filled with random ideas, abstractions, and clever intel. And also don’t be surprised if you have a bit of restless energy and want to be out and about, coming into contact with people you know… and people you DON’T know yet,  but gosh darn it, they seem pretty cool. Can we be friends?

Under these collaborative skies, we all need interaction and dialogue, not just a good book ;)

That said, depending on your zodiac sign, your focus and life force energy will concentrate on a certain area of your life:

ARIES: Communication, Writing or speaking projects, Sales

TAURUS: Earned income

GEMINI: Identity, Personal goals, Appearance

CANCER: Closure, Psychic insight, Healing

LEO: Humanitarian efforts, Friendships

VIRGO: Career

LIBRA: Higher education, Religion, Legal matters, Entrepreneurship

SCORPIO: Sex, Intimate relationships, Secrets

SAGITTARIUS: Partnerships, Competition

CAPRICORN: Work, Health, Productivity

AQUARIUS: Creativity, Pleasure, Romance, Fertility

PISCES: Home, Family, Real estate

Here are my magic ways to Hack Your Horoscope this week:

AstroOils® Gemini Season Diffuser Blend:

💧💧 Marjoram

💧💧 Lemon 

💧💧 Lavender essential oils* 

(Diffuse this anytime over the next month to communicate with heart and ease and strengthen connections!)

If you need help focusing or soothing scattered nerves, try the following witchy fixes:

  • Diffuse 6 💧 Adaptiv essential oil blend* and

  • Take 1 Adaptiv capsule a day! (Keeps the head case away!)

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.