Astrology for the week of May 2 - 8, 2021

Mercury and Venus in Gemini

May is a VERY busy month astrologically! We have big and small planetary sign changes, several transitory cosmic kerfuffles, and the beginning of this summer’s Eclipse Season!

This week, the big headliners are that two personal planets—Mercury and Venus—both move from the calm and sensual sign of Taurus into the mental acrobat Gemini.

Mercury moves into Gemini on 5/3:

Mercury visits his home sign of the Twins from Monday until July 11th, giving all of our communications a home-sign advantage. Our mental capabilities will be heightened, as will our negotiating, selling, speaking, and teaching skills. Prioritize tasks that require acute logical ability now.

That said, the reason Mercury is decamping in Gemini for over 2 MONTHS—instead of the typical 2 weeks—is because he goes retrograde on May 29th - June 22nd. Ruh-roh! So, if you were thinking of purchasing a computer or car or signing some contract, see if you can do it in the first half of May, while Mercury is firing on all cylinders.

Mercury in Gemini Diffuser Blend:

💧 💧 💧 Lemon

💧 💧       Lavender

💧 💧       Basil essential oils*

(Diffuse this when you have TOO many ideas and want more mental clarity, or when you need to calm down your frazzled, excited nerves.) 

Venus moves into Gemini on 5/8:

After a week when most of our planets were in grounded Earth signs, love and beauty planet Venus joins Mercury in the intellectual and social air sign of Gemini! She’ll be here for over three weeks, until June 2nd.

This is normally a flirty, transient time, when we like to be out and about, meeting and greeting, seeing friends and acquaintances alike.

That said, depending on how vaccine rollout is coming along where you live, that might not be a possibility juuuuust yet. And even if you ARE fully vaccinated, a vaccine isn’t a 100% guarantee. Thus, we may feel the pangs of wanting to be more social than we’re allowed to be right now.

As May progresses, this will be a theme: wanting to be social again, but not being able to do so as fully as many of us would like. And that’s ok. This WHOLE pandemic has been a process, and it makes sense that as the weather is getting nicer, and we see the light at the end of the tunnel, we may be getting restless.

Restless Venus in Gemini Diffuser Blend:

💧💧       Geranium

💧💧       Neroli TOUCH (use a pipette)

💧💧       Magnolia TOUCH (use a pipette) oils*

(Diffuse this blend when you want more connection and feel restless about it! This will help you have more trust, connection, patience, and optimism. Also helpful: just rolling Neroli and/or Magnolia oils on your heart and pulse points.)

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.