Astrology for the week of February 14 - 20, 2021

Pisces Season

Now we get into the work! This week we see a big defining characteristic of 2021: the first of three Saturn-Uranus squares. Pisces Season also begins, and Mercury Retrograde finally ends.

Uranus and Saturn clash on 2/17:

This is one of the defining characteristics of 2021: shocking Uranus and structured Saturn form nasty squares THREE different times this year, and this Wednesday is the first of those three. (The others occur on June 14th and December 23rd. After that, we won’t experience this aspect again until 2043!)

Uranus, which revolutionizes everything he touches, is currently in stalwart Taurus, which rules our financial systems and basic stability of society. Saturn, which rules hierarchies and traditions, is ironically in the rebellious sign of Aquarius (which is ruled by Uranus!).

When these two form a disruptive square on Wednesday, we all might struggle as our traditions and big systems (think: government, healthcare, corporations, etc.) clash with our ideas for change and equality for future generations. It’s not that change is bad, but the way it might show itself might be rocky and jarring indeed on the days surrounding Wednesday…and all year.

Cosmic Advice: be ready and receptive for anything. Communicate your vision for the future. Don’t throw the “baby” out with the “bathwater”…but also, don’t stubbornly remain stuck because you fear change. Ask yourself: “What Else Is Possible?”

“Tradition vs Change” Diffuser Blend

💧💧 Rosemary

💧💧 Green Mandarin 

💧💧 Frankincense essential oils*

(Diffuse any time this week where you’re struggling to accept the future, dismissing the past, or find yourself irrationally handling change in unhealthy ways!)

Pisces Season Begins on 2/18: 

Pisces Season (the Sun’s annual move into the sign of Pisces) officially begins on Thursday, February 18th and will last a full month. When the Sun is in sensitive and intuitive Pisces, the energy around us will be considerably more tender and vulnerable. Our hearts will overflow with empathy, our imaginations and psychic capabilities will reach new heights…and our sense of organization and order will fizzle! (Whoops!) 

We might have blurry boundaries and a looser sense of reality and facts. Also, we may all need a little more rest and immunity boosting at this time!

Pisces Season Protocol: 

  • Use 💧 On Guard essential oil blend + 💧Tea Tree essential oil* on the bottoms of your feet to boost immunity AND around your belly button to assert more healthy boundaries.

  • Use 💧 DigestZen essential oil blend on your heart chakra to help you process old emotional patterns and “digest” recent ups and downs during this more psychically-in-tune time.

Mercury Stations Direct on 2/20:

Communication planet Mercury has been in Retrograde since January 30th in the tech-savvy sign of Aquarius. So you already know that since January 30th, it hasn’t been the best time when it comes to scheduling, making agreements, traveling, or even making big and/or electronic purchases, like computers or cars.

And you probably all know how to navigate a Mercury Retrograde by now: if you can, postpone signing contracts or purchases until the retrograde’s over, triple-check your emails/posts/tweets, try to think before your share, and expect things to take longer than usual, or for people to reschedule/cancel/not get back to you in a timely manner.

You also know the beauties of a Mercury Retrograde: reconnecting to projects and people from the past, researching, revising, and revisiting

Yet, despite the good parts of the Retrograde, most of us still desire for it to end already, and that’s exactly what happens at the end of the week!

Before you applaud, do remember that Mercury can act up the WORST at the beginning and end, so it might not exactly FEEL like relief quite yet. And also keep in mind that it’ll take the chatty planet until about March 13th to feel like it’s back to his regular, quick-witted speed. But we all will start to feel relief, especially in one certain area of our lives that’s felt held back lately.

AstroOils® Diffuser Blend to ease your End-of-Retrograde Mercury Hiccups:

💧💧💧 Lemon

💧 💧   Rosemary

💧        Cypress essential oils*

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.