Astrology for the week of February 21 - 27, 2021

Virgo Full Moon

Time for a collective exhale!

With a sign change for Venus and a beautiful Full Moon in Virgo, this week’s calmer vibes give us all much to look forward to!

Venus enters Pisces on 2/25:

Relationships will smooth out over the next three and a half weeks (until March 21st), as Venus exits the independent (though emotionally-detached) sign of Aquarius and enters the sensitive sign of Pisces.  All those emotions we collectively swept under the rug so far in February? You might experience a sudden need to let them out! 

Whether that means having a good, ugly cry, telling someone how you felt about something that bothered you, or processing and finally healing your deep emotional wounds, there’s so much positive growth that we can take advantage of during this transit!

And Venus in Pisces doesn’t just mean we process negative emotions: maybe you haven’t told those closest to you how much their presence in your life really means! We’ll all be more able to wear our hearts on our house sweater sleeves and bare our souls in a way that fosters some true intimacy and care under this Venus transit.

AstroOils® Venus in Pisces Diffuser Blend:

💧💧💧 Vetiver 

💧💧💧 Lavender

💧        Geranium essential oils*

(Diffuser whenever you need to go deep within your heart and share what comes up in an authentic way with someone you love.)

Full Moon in Virgo on 2/27 at 3:17am EST / 12:17am PST:

Think back to what you started roughly six months ago, on the September 17th Virgo New Moon. What were the big themes coming up in your life then?

Saturday’s Full Moon (which we’ll feel most during the last half of this week and the first half of next week) will provide completions, culminations, or even new information about those endeavors. Everything will become clearer and more organized in your head…so that you can move forward.

Full Moons are generally times of celebration and release. They’re our roughly-monthly times to take stock of how far we’ve come on our paths and course correct if we need to. Sometimes, we find out important intel, or secrets come crashing down—and these push us to make a decision we weren’t expecting to have to address. Thus, Full Moons are also times of cutting away situations that no longer serve us and of possible endings.

That doesn’t mean we have monthly breakups and job loss, though! Sometimes, the “endings” are more about our assumptions and beliefs that actually HINDER our progress towards our dreams.

Here are the areas most likely to be affected by this Full Moon, based on your sign:

ARIES - health, work, routines 

TAURUS - love life, dating, creativity, pleasure, fertility

GEMINI - family, home life, real estate

CANCER - communication, relationships with siblings and neighbors

LEO - earned income, big purchases, values

VIRGO - self awareness, image, personal dreams 

LIBRA - releasing emotional patterns, healing, rest, intuition 

SCORPIO - friendships, community, humanitarian efforts

SAGITTARIUS - career, professional recognition, long-term goals. 

CAPRICORN - publishing, higher ed, personal growth, lawsuits, international dealings

AQUARIUS - trust, sexuality, shared finances

PISCES - relationships, marriage, business partnerships

AstroOils® Virgo Full Moon Diffuser Blend:



💧💧Patchouli essential oils*

(Diffuse this blend for clarity of mind, increased productivity, and full embodiment of your sensual, earthy self.)

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.