Astrology for the week of July 26 - August 1, 2020

Mercury Problems

Up this week: Mercury Problems

If you absolutely must buy, sell, or negotiate an important matter this week, be on the lookout for lies, manipulations, and verbal bullying. Better yet: wait until next week before signing or giving verbal agreement to anything!

Mercury opposes Jupiter on 7/30

Jupiter is over-optimistic. Mercury rules communication and commerce. These two planets at odds this Thursday means you might think a deal presented to you is fairer or sweeter than it really is. This is only exacerbated by…

Mercury trines Neptune ALSO on 7/30

Neptune is the planet of illusion, imagination, and blurry boundaries (or NO boundaries!). Neptune making a harmonious angle to Mercury only adds to the illusory fire. It’ll be REALLY hard to tell what is reality versus…potential. 

Mercury opposes Pluto on 8/1

Pluto rules power, obsession and secrets. When Pluto is at odds with Mercury, this is when we see the brute force come out of the shadows to get your end goal come hell or high water. You may be tempted to lie or cheat. Others may try to lie or cheat you. Whatever you bargain for on Saturday might not end up being what you ultimately wanted. Moral of the story: keep your mouth shut. Refrain from big agreements. Maybe go to the beach instead!

“Truth Bomb” Diffuser Blend

(to cut through other people’s lies and see the truth)

💧 💧 💧 Lemongrass essential oil*

💧 💧       Frankincense  essential oil

💧 💧       Cardamom essential oil

“Speak No Lies, Cut the Ties” Protocol

  • Use Lavender essential oil* on your throat chakra.

  • Use Tea Tree essential oil* around your belly button and across the inside of your wrists.

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link