Astrology for the week of July 19 - 25, 2020

Cancer New Moon

Time for a clean slate!

We get our SECOND New Moon in the sign of Cancer, and Leo Season begins!

New Moon in Cancer on 7/20 at 1:33PM EST / 10:33AM PST:

Monday is a time for new beginnings, a time for change. And with the types of change we’re looking at now, a time for some struggle, too. Whatever we are trying to actualize personally or as a society, the newness comes with responsibility. LOTS of it. It may actually seem too much to bare at times. 

This New Moon reminds me of starting over your quest to reach the top of a mountain. It’s always been a goal of yours. You’ve attempted it before, maybe even gotten close, and now you get to try again. You get a do-over in this area, but MY—that mountain seems SO TALL. And you’re thirsty and hungry and exhausted…and you haven’t even taken a step forward yet!

That’s what this New Moon feels like. There’s a shadow side and a heaviness attached to your dreams. If you truly imagine yourself being/doing/having what your ego claims you desire—like, close your eyes and imagine being/doing/having it for a few minutes—do you actually LIKE what you FEEL? 

My guess is no. And that’s EXACTLY why you don’t ALREADY have it.

Subconscious: 1; You: 0.

Cancer New Moon Ritual:

  • For this New Moon, write your intensions within the first eight (8) hours AFTER it occurs. 

  • As you do, take time for each intention and let yourself FEEL into what it’s like to already have that desire fulfilled. Get clear what sensations in your body come up. Write them down. 

  • Then do the reverse: imagine the OPPOSITE of your desire, or your desire NOT fulfilled. What bodily sensations come up for you? Write those down as well. 

  • Once you’re clear on each set of body sensations, write down any “aha!” Moments that come up.

Cancer New Moon Diffuser Blend:

💧💧 Roman Chamomile

💧💧 Patchouli

💧💧 Ylang Ylang

💧 Sandalwood essential oils*.

Leo Season Begins 7/22:

The Sun glides into Leo, a placement that brings ease, warmth, and vitality for us all! The next month is a time to be feisty, fiery, and dare I say a bit dramatic! We get to focus more on ourselves, putting ourselves first, giving ourselves the royal treatment. We get to turn this shitstorm of the past few months into creative genius, and even PLAY. Merriment and FUN are ours for the taking if we focus our sights on it.

Leo Season Diffuser Blend to own our Royal Flair:

💧💧💧 Wild Orange

💧💧 Cinnamon

💧💧 Sandalwood essential oils*.

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.