Astrology for the week of August 2 - 8, 2020

Aquarius Full Moon

One pressurized Full Moon + two sign changes this week = the most drama you’ll see all month.

Full Moon in Aquarius on 8/3:

Remember anything important you started, or a new direction you started to move in, after January 24th this year? The days surrounding Monday are the time to see what blossomed, what progressed to a new level, what needs to end, and what you still need to make a decision about!

It could very well be that a lot of those considerations/New Moon intentions in late January got side-swiped by our global pandemic and financial melt-downs and your big “a-ha!” moment is that you’re seeing several of them as irrelevant now. That’s ok. Not every seed that’s planted makes it to harvest.

It could also be that many events seems to happen AT you this Full Moon. Other people might give you ultimatums that may or not be true, but really pile on the pressure in the moment. Your one saving grace this Full Moon is that your creativity will be sky high! If you can afford a few moments to not buy into their rigid way of thinking, you might see a path forward you would never have imagined before!

Aquarius Full Moon protocol to give absolutely ZERO F*cks:

  • 2 💧 Wintergreen essential oil* on your shoulder-tops.

  • 1 💧 each Turmeric + Lime essential oils* on the bottom of your feet.

Mercury enters Leo on 8/4:

This Tuesday, everyone’s communication gets a dramatic flair, as chatty Mercury moves into the spotlight sign of Leo. You’ll be all about gusto and story and OOMPH and FEELINGS. You might be light on “facts.” Be careful not to throw out information just because it doesn’t fit your narrative that you’re so attached to! 

Another facet of this two-week trend is that your creativity will be off the charts! You’ll have Big Picture thinking in spades, and will have a way of infusing play and fun into even the most mundane tasks.

Diffuser Blend to Foster Creativity and Smooth Communications:

💧 💧 each Lavender, Lime + Wild Orange essential oils*

Venus glides into Cancer on 8/7:

Love and relationships take on a sensitive flavor, as planet of l’amour Venus moves into the nurturing yet protective sign of the Crab for the next month. If you weren’t already feeling the home-cooked vibes of quarantine, you now will relish the quiet intimacy with those closest to you.

If you’re single and looking, you might be super cautious about whom you let into your physical “bubble”—can you REALLY trust them with their hygiene and precautions to hold their hand? The risk might take a few more Zoom dates before you take off your masks together. But the beauty of all this is that you have the opportunity to actually get to know each other’s hearts, minds and souls without the physical distraction!

Diffuser blend for cozy, comfy love:

💧💧💧 Lavender

💧💧    Marjoram

💧        Geranium essential oils*

*Not all essential oils are created equal! Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils. If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link