This week is dominated by the April 7th Libra Full Moon, as well as Mercury’s move into Aries on Saturday the 11th.
Tricky Libra Full Moon on 4/7:
This Tuesday marks our one and only Full Moon in the cooperative sign of Libra. Think back to the projects and relationships and life phases you started after the September 28, 2019 NEW Moon to see what might be coming to fruition or completion now. You may have to make some big decisions around this area, or even find out a vital piece of intel.
In general, Libra asks us to find balance, discover healthy give-and-take dynamics in our relationships, or forge new partnerships in the first place.
The only fly in the honey is that we have a dangerous Mars-Uranus flare-up occurring on the same day. Mars is warlike and aggressive, while Uranus can be shocking and out of left field. When these two form their once-a-year square, you might be more prone to accidents, violence, and sudden endings or separations. Cosmic advice? Find your grounding and connect to your breath. When you are fully rooted in your body, and move to the natural rhythm of your breathing, you can handle anything.
All-Star Protocols for ALL Zodiac Signs:
Use Balance essential oil* blend on the bottoms of your feet and base of your spine to help ground you to the Earth and clean your primal first chakra.
Use Breathe essential oil* blend by putting 2-3 💧 in the palms of your hands, rubbing them together, and then inhaling from your cupped hands for a full minute.
Mercury moves into Aries on 4/11:
If confusion has reigned over the last several weeks (anyone ELSE trying to understand the Stimulus Package?!), we now have a reprieve! Mercury moves into fiery, candid Aries for the next four week, speeding up our communications. Expect more facts, less emotions, and a faster run-rate of intel, as many tidbits will come up rather spontaneously.
All-Star Protocol for ALL Zodiac Signs:
Use 1 💧 On Guard + 1 💧 Geranium essential oils* on your Solar Plexus to trust your gut intuitions and take action on them!
*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.
P.S. If you’re looking to improve your immune system and manage your stress levels at this time, I recently recorded an online class walking you through all my favorite self-care hacks and essential oil protocols to do precisely these two things. Here’s the link to the replay. If you need the right oils, the three starter collections I recommend are: this, this, and this.