Astrology for the week of March 29 - April 4, 2020

FIVE major cosmic events happen this week, giving us push-pull vibes to contend with.

The energy is one of finding the balance between light and heavy, between change and tradition, between choice and karma.

As we attempt to progress and move forward, we likely will be held back by our past decisions, structures, and limited points of view that we solidified into place. How can we dismantle what seems so set in stone?

Mars moves into Aquarius on 3/30:

This Monday, energy and motivation planet Mars moves into the radical and iconoclastic sign of Aquarius, where he’ll reside for 6 weeks. This is usually a time to push our edges, break out of our comfort zones and try on a new idea for shits and giggles. We WILL get to that more expansive place eventually, but right here at the onset of this transit, we have that…

Mars and Saturn have a rumble on 3/31:

Basically, go-getter Mars almost immediately joins up with slow and traditional Saturn in the sky, asking us to be cautious. The ideas we so desperately want to put in motion may instead be stopped, blocked or obstructed some how. These two planets only meet like this once a year, so we’ll feel the “pause” button likely all week. (Hell, if you’re sheltering in place like we are, you’ll feel the “pause” button quite literally too, for likely a LOT longer than a week!) Write DOWN your ideas, no matter how radical, and you’ll be able to proceed once the wind picks up your sails.

All-Star Protocol for ALL zodiac signs:

Diffuse 3 💧 each of Siberian Fir + Wild Orange essential oils* to get your ideas flowing AND give you the patience to ride out any road blocks.

Venus moves into Gemini on 4/3:

Not only have Mars and Saturn both moved recently into air sign Aquarius, but now love and beauty planet Venus joins the intellectual and social air sign of Gemini! This is normally a flirty, transient time, when we like to be out and about, meeting and greeting. CLEARLY that’s not what’s happening for most of us right now, unless it’s over Zoom! We may feel the pangs of wanting to be more socially than we’re allowed to be. Add to this that Venus will be going retrograde  for much of May and June, meaning she will reside in Gemini for MUCH longer than she normally would. This can make us a bit flighty and non-committal, though what happens tomorrow actually makes us MORE likely to stay put and seal the deal…

Venus makes eyes at Saturn on 4/4:

Harmonious Venus and stalwart Saturn make a beautiful angle today, actually making us favor long-term commitments of all types! You may feel torn between trying something (or someone?) new and sticking to what you’re already familiar with. This vibe will last into the next week as well.

All-Star Protocol for ALL zodiac signs:

Diffuse 3 💧 each of Geranium + Basil essential oils* to help us sloooow down our collective ADD in the love department.

The 1st of three Jupiter - Pluto Conjunctions, also on 4/4:

And FINALLY, Jupiter + Pluto meet up on Saturday, April 4th! This is the first of THREE times these powerful planets will form a conjunction this year, an occurrence that only happens every 13 years. This is a GAME CHANGER. (The other two times will be July 30th and then November 12th.) 

I hate to say it, but with Pluto ruling transformation, large-scale change, and secrets, and Jupiter expanding whatever it touches…we might see the peak (or one of the peaks?) of this damn pandemic at the end of this week. The next conjunction will occur while both planets are retrograde and NOT at full power, so we’ll likely see some relief by then. And then in November? Full force again. Not sure if the virus or U.S. elections will be the event the November date is pointing towards, but there will be a massive, massive shift in the very fiber of how we operate as a society. 

All-Star Protocol for ALL zodiac signs:

To see the higher meaning is the chaos and raise our vibes to get out of the trauma-drama, diffuse 4 💧 Elevation + 2 💧 Copaiba essential oils*.

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.

P.S. If you’re looking to improve your immune system and manage your stress levels at this time, I recently recorded an online class walking you through all my favorite self-care hacks and essential oil protocols to do precisely these two things. Here’s the link to the replay. If you need the right oils, the three starter collections I recommend are: this, this, and this.