This week is colored by only two cosmic influences, ones that we’ll feel for only a couple days:
The Sun squares Pluto on 4/14:
The Sun (our focus and vitality) makes a harsh, 90-degree angle with transformative Pluto (secrets, control, power, money) on Tuesday. What this points to is an energy of massive power struggles, especially on a national or global scale. I’m not predicting the future here, but it seems like we might start to feel our international pandemic not just as part of humanity, but much more personally, at this time. We may start to feel oppressed, not just by the virus, but by our government’s lack of care in handling it. Pluto rules other people’s resources, so it seems like some of the aid publicized to help those of us in need might not be so clear-cut, or at least, we’d have to jump through extra hoops for it. Our best bet is to do which action items we can, while not exerting too much force. For example, apply for a grant for which you’re eligible, and then let it go.
All-Star Protocol for ALL Zodiac Signs:
To allow support to come in, while releasing all that you canNOT control, diffuse 1 💧 Cilantro + 1 💧 Wintergreen + 4 💧 Wild Orange essential oils*.
The Sun squares Jupiter on 4/15:
The Sun next clashes with idealistic Jupiter on Wednesday. While Jupiter normally sees the opportunity in the chaos and sets his sights on the next philosophical horizon, with this frenetic angle to the Sun, we must make sure we don’t bite off more than we can metaphorically chew. Beware of overreaching your goals, spreading yourself too thin, or beating yourself up if you don’t author the world’s next great novel while quarantined. Be gentle with yourself, even if you’re feeling unproductive at the start of this week or if you don’t manage to stay emotionally buoyant. This transit, too, shall pass.
All-Star Protocol for ALL Zodiac Signs:
Diffuse 2 💧 each of Peppermint + Lime + Bergamot essential oils* as a lifeline to lift yourself out of the muck when you’re feeling the most lost.
*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.
P.S. If you’re looking to improve your immune system and manage your stress levels at this time, I recently recorded an online class walking you through all my favorite self-care hacks and essential oil protocols to do precisely these two things. Here’s the link to the replay. If you need the right oils, the three starter collections I recommend are: this, this, and this.