It’s a new day with the Aries New Moon on 3/24!
Our cosmic energies do a flip-flop this week, starting Sunday with a rather rough influence…and then almost immediately switching to motivating and lighter vibes:
Mars conjuncts Pluto on 3/22:
This annual meeting of power-hungry Pluto and aggressive Mars can bring out the worst in all of us: power struggles, ruthlessness, abuse, possibly even violence. Do you best to stay away from conflict or from anything that may trigger you today. Remember: you have infinite choice in this Universe. No one “makes” you do or say a damn thing! That said, stay out of the fray if you don’t trust your own free will.
All-Star Protocol for ALL zodiac signs:
Use one drop each of Lemongrass essential oil* and Forgive essential oil blend* in the palm of your hand and quickly rub together to mix. Inhale from your palms for a full minute. Wipe off any remaining oils on your scalp by running your hands through your hair.
Aries New Moon on 3/24 at 5:28AM EST / 2:28AM PST:
This is the ULTIMATE in new beginnings, as not only do we have a fabulous New Moon today (the astrological time for us to start new endeavors), but this is specifically the New Moon in ARIES, the beginning of the zodiac and of springtime!
My favorite way to honor a New Moon is to write your wishes/intentions AFTER the New Moon has occurred, up to 24 hours after (preferably in the first 8 hours after it’s occurred).
The energy of this New Moon is candid and straightforward. There is a sense of not needing to “process” the “how” and “why” and of letting any remaining dregs of unfinished business just slough off your shoulders. There’s just a sense of “What will I choose now?” And then just CHOOSING it.
Diffuser Blend for ALL zodiac signs:
3 drops each of Arise + Blue Tansy essential oils* for the motivation, courage, inspiration and “can-do” attitude to just GO for it.
Venus gets happy vibes from Jupiter 3/27 and Pluto 3/28:
Love and luxury planet Venus forms a happy angle to expansive and abundant Jupiter on Friday, and then flirts with intense, penetrating and transformational Pluto the next day. These vibes will help ensure that the dreams we begin to actualize on Tuesday will be met with ease and long-standing success, even if we don’t see how that’s possible quite yet.