The big astrological news this week is that Scorpio Season officially begins on Thursday!
That said, there’s still a lot of cosmic dust in the air that we’re all still going through and feeling, so I wanted to address some of this, too.
Cosmic things we’re still feeling, even if they’re no longer “news”:
Retrograde Mars in Aries (until 11/13)
If you’ve been wondering why people seem to not be taking responsibility for their actions, cutting out of agreements (even contracts), and thinking they can just push their baggage onto YOUR side of the fence, this is why. Aries is all about “I am”—our id. Mars, which rules Aries, is all about action and determination to get what you want. I’m noticing this playing out in different arenas as “I want this. Therefore, I’m entitled to it. Therefore, YOU must provide it.”
As frustrating as it is, we must pick our battles. (Notice, that doesn’t mean DON’T go to battle! It means to prioritize the battles you’re prepared to fight, and maybe don’t do ALL of them.) This also means to uphold our boundaries, and let other people clean up their own BS.
🌟 Use On Guard essential oil* blend around your belly button to help you protect your energetic space 🌟
Mercury Retrograde (until 11/3)
Unfortunately, our collective thinking will NOT be in tip-top form, thanks to mental Mercury deciding to go for his backspin leading up to our U.S. elections. I wouldn’t buy, sign or agree to much during this period, and I would DEFINITELY allow room in your schedule and budget for events not occurring as planned. They won’t. Just assume they won’t, triple-check everything, and have backup plans in place. Your flexibility will be what saves you.
🌟 Diffuse 3 💧 each of Cypress + Wild Orange essential oils* to help you positively go with the flow 🌟
All the planetary in-flighting (10/11 - 10/19)
Today (Sunday, 10/18), the Sun battles it out with Saturn, and tomorrow (Monday 10/19) Mars rumbles with Jupiter. These two events are the end to a week-plus-long tirade. (Last week, the Sun battled it out with Pluto and Saturn, while Mars confronted the New Moon.)
My best cosmic advice is to realize that all these energetic disputes are transitory. YES, it DOES feel like life is coming at us from all sides…because it just might be! But nothing in nature can sustain such dramatic tension forever. One way or another, the tension will subside, the dread will cease, and you can clean up whatever pieces there will be to clean up.
🌟 Use Adaptiv essential oil blend* in your diffuser and on the bottoms of your feet to keep your calm while the eye of the storm passes 🌟
Now, THIS WEEK’S big news:
Scorpio Season Begins on 10/22:
When the Sun moves into the mysterious and provocative zodiac sign of Scorpio for the next month, it’s generally a time of deep healing on the subconscious level. It’s when our hidden patterns and shadow selves come into view, so we may finally transmute the “dark” into gold.
Seeing as we’re still reeling from the past few weeks—hell, who am I kidding? Try YEAR!—I do believe that once Scorpion skies are above us, we’ll be able to take the pain and anguish and transmute it into something greater. We’ll be forced to. I mean, we feel things at 1000% when Scorpio rules our cosmos! Our choice is either to feel it so intensely that we transform ourselves from the inside-out…OR to keep our truths hidden and deal with a resurgence of passive-aggressive activity that makes a bigger mess of the muck.
Our shamanic selves can come to our own rescues, if we allow them.
AstroOils® Diffuser Blend to Transmute Pain Into Gold:
💧 💧 💧 Lime
💧 💧 Black Pepper
💧 💧 Helichrysum
*Not all essential oils are created equal! Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils. If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.