The last 11 days of Libra Season aren’t going to be the smoothest, as this week shows us.
The headliners are Mercury turning Retrograde on Tuesday, followed by a Libra New Moon on Friday.
The sub-headliners weave their own tale of woe: the Sun battles first with Jupiter today, then goes to war with Mars on Tuesday, picks a fight with Pluto Thursday, and finally gives Saturn a real shiner next Sunday.
I’d keep a low-profile if I were you…and I definitely would try to avoid (or at least de-escalate) confrontation. That said, I’ve got you covered. Together, we can hack this thing!
The Sun squares Jupiter on 10/11:
When the generous Sun and gambler Jupiter hash it out today, the result could be that you over-promise and under-deliver…or that you over-give and wake up depleted. Look back to April 14th (the last time we had this aspect) for clues.
Cosmic advice?
Don’t bite off more than you can chew!
The Sun opposes Mars on 10/13:
Once a year, the Sun stands directly opposite warrior planet Mars in the sky, generating disagreements, competition, and general hostility. This is only heightened by…
Mercury going Retrograde on 10/13:
Communication planet Mercury begins his backwards spin on Tuesday, in the grudge-holding sign of Scorpio. This will happen right up until Election Day (11/3)!
Whenever Mercury swims in reverse, expect miscommunications, delays, cancellations, reschedules, and even NO communication. Mix this with a sign (Scorpio) that’s obsessed with their deep subconscious feelings and revenge, and what we could get is mud-slinging, sarcasm, and rehashing past hurts ad nauseam. Considering the last 3 weeks of the most important presidential election in history overlaps exactly with this Retrograde, negative campaign ads, “alternative facts,” downright false Tweets and every conceivable punch below the proverbial belt will likely happen. (I mean, what do we expect, after the past four years?)
Cosmic Advice?
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A VOTING PLAN! Triple check that you’re registered. Quadruple check your polling location and times. Make sure you have all documents on you and know your rights if you’re turned away. If you’re mailing in your ballot, do it early or even hand-deliver it to the ballot collection locations. This is NO JOKE.
The Sun squares Pluto 10/15:
More negativity’s in store for us all on Thursday, when the ego-driven Sun fights with destructive and power-hungry Pluto. I know this doesn’t seem like the most fun, but luckily, we have the…
Libra New Moon on 11/16 at 3:31PM EST / 12:31PM PST:
OK, yes there are “problems” with this New Moon. Like, it forms nasty angles with Jupiter, Pluto, Mars AND Saturn. But that said, New Moons ARE a time of turning over a new leaf, AND this one gives us a double-dose of diplomatic, likable Libra energy. Thank Goddess!
So yeah, even though we usually “begin” things in the two weeks following the New Moon, by this point, we’ll be in a Mercury Retrograde. Thus, signing things, making binding decisions or promises, taking action on new endeavors, or making big purchases won’t be ideal.
You can still start things in other ways, though: do research (REAL research, to make plans for your dreams—NOT Q-anon “do your research” BS), pick up an old project, get in contact with people from the past who can advance your desires, rework ideas or rewrite projects. Write your New Moon intentions or create a vision board.
And also, work in some of that Libra charm and finesse to the week’s touchy situations!
AstroOils® Protocol for Handling Conflict:
Douse yourself (by “douse,” I mean use 1 💧on the bottom of each foot) of Balance essential oil* blend!
Angry? Rageful? Diffuse 6 💧 of Forgive essential oil* blend.
Or, try this more heavy-duty diffuser blend:
💧💧💧 Siberian Fir
💧💧💧 Ylang Ylang
💧 Turmeric
And 1 💧 Lavender essential oil on your throat before EVERY conversation this week!
*Not all essential oils are created equal! Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils. If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.