Emotions run high. One sign change, one fated planetary meetup, and our yearly astrological coming-to-Jesus moment are what the stars have in store for us this week. Enjoy!
Mercury enters Cancer on 7/11:
Logical Mercury joins the Sun (and this past Friday’s New Moon) in emotional Cancer on Sunday, where he’ll reside for the next 2 and a half weeks, until July 29th.
Let’s talk about this planet of thought processes, travel, logic and communication in the sensitive sign of Cancer: instead of detaching our decisions from our heart, we’ll rely more on intuition, perceptions and feelings. We’ll make gut decisions, instead of decisions based on “reasons.” We’ll care more about how our decisions affect others, instead of what makes “sense.”
On the downside, we might universally be a tad more passive-aggressive, pouty, or irrational (think crying fits and tantrums!).
AstroOils® Mercury in Cancer Diffuser Blend:
💧💧💧💧 Vetiver
💧💧 Geranium essential oils*
Diffuse to feel centered and emotionally connected, to yourself and your loved one.
Feeling passive-aggressive tendencies come up? I got you:
Rub 💧💧 Cilantro essential oil* on the bottoms of your big toes to clear away the resentment and help you ask directly for what you want.
Venus and Mars meetup on 7/13:
Romantic Venus and her lover Mars join forces in the flamboyant, glamorous, pleasure-seeking sign of Leo on Tuesday—the first time since August 24, 2019 that the cosmic lovers have been reunited!
Venus blesses our relationships, our graciousness, our beauty and our abundance, while Mars is like a warrior on T, revving up ALL our drives, be it motivation or libido. When these two meet, expect the GOOD kind of sparks to fly!
COSMIC ADVICE: If you’re single and looking, circulate on Tuesday. If you’re coupled already, do something to bring the limerence and joy back into your relationship!
The Sun opposes Pluto on 7/17:
About time your shadows come to light, huh? Whatever subconscious conflicts you have deep inside your psyche, this cosmic clash will seek them out and expose them on Saturday. Your job: sit with whatever demons rear their ugly heads, take inventory, and BREATHE into the truth of it.
Hiding your dark side doesn’t make it go away; instead, you’ll find these unconscious tendencies will end up running your life—and you’ll just call it “fate.” Revelatory idea: celebrate whatever shitty situation comes up by acknowledging how you actually BENEFIT from it!
Diffuser Blend to uncover and transmute your Shadow Self:
💧💧💧 Copaiba
💧💧💧 Lemongrass essential oils*
BONUS: Read “Existential Kink” by Carolyn Elliott PhD.
*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils!
Here’s how to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Horoscope.