Astrology for the week of March 7 - 13, 2021

Pisces New Moon

In case you haven’t felt it already, March is going to be a smooth, sweet month for us all, astrologically speaking! And this week will be no different.

First we have a once-a-year dreamy cosmic event: the meeting of imaginative Neptune and the Sun. Then, as if that weren’t enough to take us far, far away, we have our annual Pisces New Moon on Saturday.

Neptune conjuncts the Sun on 3/10:

Compassionate Neptune, the natural ruler of empathetic Pisces, meets up with the Sun for their annual soirée on Wednesday! Under these skies, we can expect our imaginations and capacities for unconditional love to take flight.

If we want to funnel this energy towards our romantic relationships, then we’ll be able to harness Neptune’s and Pisces’s sensitive, intuitive, generous nature to really step into another person’s shoes and accept them exactly as they are. And if you think about it, what is “love” REALLY other than pure and complete acceptance and approval for who another person is—the whole package that is them, light AND shadow??

(Hint: turn some of this compassion and radical acceptance inward, too!)

If you have more career- or work-related activities planned for this day, that works, too! Neptune will bring you massive amounts of creativity and ingenious solutions that will make you wonder if you merely channeled them from another realm.

Basically, this is a dreamy, luscious day, however you choose to use it!

AstroOils® Life is Magic Diffuser Blend:

💧💧 Ylang Ylang 

💧💧 Sandalwood (Indian or Hawaiian OK)

💧      Rose (OR 💧💧Rose TOUCH—use a pipette) essential oils*

(Diffuse whenever you want to connect to your higher self and bring compassion, creativity, and unconditional love into the mix!)  

New Moon in Pisces on 3/13 at 5:21AM EST / 2:21AM PST:

So not only do we have our once-a-year New Moon in Pisces on Saturday, but love and beauty planet Venus makes a rare meetup with romantic Neptune as well!

New Moons are generally times when we get clear on our intentions for situations and relationships we desire to create in our lives. I usually recommend writing wishes on the New Moon, within the 8 hours (up to 48 hours is ok) AFTER the New Moon occurs. 

However, seeing as this New Moon is in the intuitive sign of Pisces—AND Pisces’s ruler Neptune is a main player in today’s events—I say we go about this from a less logical mode…a more Piscean mode! 

When you wake up on Saturday morning, create a safe spiritual space (candles, essential oil diffuser, soft music, sage, etc.) and go into meditation. Pisces (and Neptune!) rule over our hidden selves and our connection to spirit. So go into meditation, take several deep breaths, keep your eyes closed, and simply focus your attention lightly on your inhales and exhales. As you start to notice bodily sensations, let yourself feel them deeply. No denying or repressing bodily sensations or feelings that may arise.

And ask yourself this: 🌟 What does my higher self, my WHOLE self, desire for me? 🌟

Ruminate on this. Don’t *think*; let symbols and visuals and sounds come to you instead. See what messages pop into your mind’s eye. That’s likely your intuitive knowing showing you a path of what could be.

After you’re done, write down what came up! And allow that you may not have a complete 10-year-plan just yet: over the next couple days, you’ll start to get more and more clear for the intentions your higher self wants for you. 

Even if those visions seem insane, if we follow the Pisces energy, you’ll see that magic and miracles truly exist, and you’ll be MUCH more likely to manifest those lofty visions than any watered-down “goal” your logical mind negotiated for you on your behalf.

AstroOils® Pisces New Moon Diffuser Blend:

💧💧 Sandalwood

💧💧 Juniper Berry

💧💧 Green Mandarin essential oils*

(Diffuse starting Saturday and for as long as you need, up to two weeks.)

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.