Astrology for the week of March 14 - 20, 2021

Aries Season Begins.png

Another easy-breezy week where we can continue to create newness in our lives and focus on the areas that catch our attention. No fires to put out; no chaotic cosmic rumbles. Just living.

Mercury enters Pisces on 3/15:

Mercury returns to Pisces, where he’ll be until April 3rd, giving us a few weeks of the messenger planet in this wishy-washy and emotional sign. 

Expect communications to go from more collected and cool-headed to nebulous and intuitive, (though imaginative AF!). This is ideal for creative writing or other artistic pursuits, as well as a great time to get in touch with your (or someone else’s) feelings, show compassion, forgive a past transgression, or even get a little witchy!

The caveat is that it’ll be hard for you to focus at this time and to rein in all your ideas into actionable steps. You also might feel mentally exhausted and slower than normal.

AstroOils® Mercury in Pisces Diffuser Blend:

💧💧 Lemon

💧💧 Tangerine

💧💧 Basil essential oils*

(Diffuse this for the next three weeks whenever you need to think clearly, need more energy, or need to stop being a basket case long enough to be productive!)

Aries Season Begins + Spring Equinox on 3/20:

Time for action! The Sun moves into the sign of the hot-blooded Ram for the next month, giving us energy and stamina to move forward. Happy first day of Spring! We all will enjoy mountains of courage, adventure, and new starts. This energy is candid and direct, no side-stepping or hesitating. Just make sure not to make binding decisions impulsively.

AstroOils® Aries Season Protocols:

  • Use 💧 On Guard essential oil* blend on your Solar Plexus to boldly put yourself forward;

  • Inhale 💧💧Cardamom essential oil* from cupped hands whenever you need to have a little reality check and not go ballistic;

  • Diffuse Passion essential oil* blend whenever you need some vibrant, lusty, passionate energy!

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.