This week graces us with two amazing cosmic aspects—our New Moon in Capricorn on 1/12-13 and rebellious Uranus moving in direct motion again on 1/14—as well as our annual meetup of the Sun and Pluto, also on 1/14.
New Moon in Capricorn at 12AM EST on 1/13 / 9PM PST on 1/12:
On Tuesday night, we get to start a new Lunar Cycle, in the traditional, cautious and ambitious sign of Capricorn. Capricorn sees the big picture and meticulously strategizes the long-term plans to get there, step by step. Capricorn also rules our big institutions and systems in the fabric of our society: our fiscal systems, medical systems, government, laws and general sense of order. Capricorn represents “the box” that this year of 2021 is so eager to break out of.
That said, this New Moon will hit each of us in a different part of our charts, meaning that a different area of our lives will be primed for a new beginning. Though there are certain areas that are astrologically favored for each of us, I encourage you to use your own intuition about your own life to determine where YOU desire to bring something new into the world or make a change.
In the 8 hours after the New Moon occurs (if you’re sleeping, don’t worry: up to 24 hours is still very powerful!), I encourage you to write your intentions for the next lunar cycle. I’d do this first by getting into your body and allowing yourself to feel whatever bodily sensations come up. Sit with them, regardless of how uncomfortable they may be. Then, when you’re present in your body, ask yourself what you’d like to create this next 28-day cycle. Write your intentions (or “wishes”) in the positive tense, sign and date them.
AstroOils Capricorn New Moon Diffuser Blend:
💧 💧 Frankincense
💧 💧 Green Mandarin
💧 💧 Lemon essential oils*
(Diffuse in the 3 days after the New Moon, in order to get present in your body, see your intentions clearly, and have the drive to take steps forward.)
Uranus goes Direct on 1/14:
Since August 15, 2020, the rebellious planet of shock and ingenuity went retrograde, dampening his powers and confusing his airwaves. Technological, humanitarian and social efforts may have felt stalled. Personally, where we are stretching past our habitual definition of “self” may have felt stalled. As of Thursday, we can resume our personal and societal reinventions!
In other good news, once Uranus turns direct, EVERY PLANET IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM will be moving forward all together for a full two weeks! So, basically from 1/14 - 1/29, it’s full steam ahead. We will feel this as busy and productive, also chaotic—but MOVING.
January 2021: Planetary Infighting (all month)
If you’ve read my Weekly Cosmic Forecasts before, you know that I like to stay on the BIG PICTURE, because I’ve noticed when we obsess and over-analyze every micro-movement the planets make, we tend to stop the flow of our own energy and ability to choose. Or at least, that’s what *I* experience personally. For instance, when I go back in my (very detailed, obsessively-accurate, Virgoan) journals and calendars, I notice that the swaths of time in which I am most depressed are the same spans of time I was obsessively tracking my horoscope each day, waiting for IT to change something for me.
So, while I’m NOT the astrologer to go into minute detail over every planetary square, trine and sextile (those are names for some of the angles that planets make with each other), I trust if you’re here, that YOU’RE in tune enough with your OWN energetic ebbs and flows to assess where you are and then help yourself with the appropriate state changes. We’re all big girls! That said, I acknowledge that sometimes we can use a tool or a prop to help us get there faster, which is why I often include essential oil protocols and diffuser blends, which (for ME) are some of the fastest means to change my emotional state, so that I can then process what I need to.
THAT DISCLAIMER ASIDE, this month of January 2021 has MANY of these little planetary clashes in it that I would normally disregard as a “I woke up on the wrong side of the energetic bed” type of days. Because all these singular events are so concentrated, I want to speak to the trend of them as a whole.
In case you’ve been in a coma and just woke up, our world is shifting. The powers that be are shifting, our collective issues are being brought to light to be healed. Said in a less “woo woo” way: Trump and his autocratic enablers have lost power in the US elections, and the (old, white, straight, Christian) Patriarchy is doing chaotic and hurtful atrocities to hold onto the power that they know they’ve lost. We see this with the failed coup on our US Capitol Building on Wednesday 1/6 by a bunch of pro-Trump, pro-QAnon white supremacists. Moreover, the whole world saw two things:
White Supremacy and White Privilege at work. We ALL know how things would have ended up if those armed, white insurrectionists had instead been peaceful, unarmed POC, protesting actual suppression. EVERYONE saw; NO ONE can deny that systemic racism exists after that (I mean, unless you get your news from Parler). It’s disgusting, and that’s the work that we white people have to do emotional labor to heal—not for ourselves, but for our BlPOC sisters and brothers. We have to right this wrong. And
Trump’s an autocratic dictator. Even his fiercest enablers had to draw a line in the sand when the take-over he incited almost killed them and disrupted the democratic process of counting the Electoral Votes. Not even Twitter and Facebook can make excuses for him anymore.
So, here are the list of powerful, tense energy days for the month. Don’t read TOO MUCH into them. Just refer back if you wake up out of sorts one day and don’t know why. I’m listing them as validation, not as a script for you to follow:
1/8: Mercury squares Mars
(communication at odds with aggression/war/masculine energy)
1/12: Mercury squares Uranus
(news/communication might be unexpected, if not shocking)
1/13: Mars squares Saturn
(aggression/masculine energy at odds with Patriarchy/ government/ traditions)
1/14: Sun conjunct Pluto
(secrets and power mongering brought to light and amplified for all to see)
1/17: Jupiter square Uranus
(ideology/optimism at odds with breaking rank and with rebellion; sudden shifts in our thinking)
1/20: Mars conjunct Uranus (Inauguration Day)
(aggression/toxic masculinity meets up with rule-breaking and rebellion)
1/22: Mars squares Jupiter
(aggression/toxic masculinity at odds with our expansion and growth)
1/23: Sun conjunct Saturn
(the obstacles to our way forward are highlighted; Patriarchy, our big corporations, governments, systems lit up for us to clearly see.)
1/26: Sun squares Uranus
(Expect the unexpected; if it can go wrong, it just might.)
January 2021 Diffuser Blend
💧 💧 Patchouli
💧 💧 Siberian Fir
💧 💧 Lavender essential oils*
(Diffuse anytime this month when you feel out of sorts, fearful, on edge, and need to get back in your body and back in your emotional power.)
*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.