Astrology for the week of September 6 - 12, 2020

Mars Retrograde

Big week ahead that you will surely feel!

We have a sign change for our relationship planet Venus, as well as a retrograde for action-planet Mars. At week’s end, Jupiter, planet of gifts and luck, forges ahead.

Venus glides into Leo 9/6:

Love and romance (and abundance!) planet Venus moves from practical Virgo to flamboyant Leo today. Our relationships will take on more color, vibrancy, and drama for the next four weeks! We will move on from “how may I help you?” to “how can we have FUN together?!” Better yet: “what can we create together?

The cons of this influence: perhaps being unreasonable in how you communicate with a loved one, being too self-centered, or wanting to bail the moment “life” happens and things are no longer pleasurable.

Diffuser Blend to Enjoy Life while not being a Narcissistic Prick:

💧💧💧💧Tangerine essential oil*

💧💧       Fennel 

Mars goes Retrograde 9/9 - 11/13:

Every two and a half years, motivator Mars appears to travel backwards in the sky for a couple months. When this happens, he moves at a snail’s pace, taking all of our big projects and competitive edge in the marketplace with him. 

According to every other horoscope you’ll read, you’re not supposed to launch any new products or programs during this time, because a dulled Mars will all but guarantee failure for your venture.

According to every other horoscope, you may need to rework your progress thus far, rethink your goals, and rest a lot more. Oh, and don’t start anything new, despite other auspicious energies coming up this weekend and next week.

I say: screw it!

There’s always going to be a “reason” astrologically to not move forward. You need to listen to your inner voice and hear what SHE says. If you HAVE been going full throttle and now need to rethink or rework your plans, so be it. Fine.

HOWEVER, if you’ve been reworking things for a while and you finally have the inspiration and motivation to make it work (and make it public), don’t stall your moment because the STARS say to be cautious! There is almost ALWAYS something retrograde in the sky for huge swaths of the calendar year! Are you going to let that be your excuse? If so, what will be your excuse next time you plan on a big career stride?

Instead, I stay, let’s Hack Your Horoscope™! By using certain Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils, we can recreate the motivation and drive FOR you, even if Mars isn’t cooperating.

Roller Bottle Blend to Hack Mars Retrograde:

In a 5ml roller bottle, add the following essential oils*:

5 💧Ginger

5 💧Wild Orange

3 💧Tea Tree

2 💧Eucalyptus 

2 💧Peppermint 

Fill the remainder of the bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil.

Apply to Solar Plexus and back of neck.

Jupiter Retrograde Ends 9/12:

Since May 14th, the big Santa in the Sky Jupiter has been slow-moving and hiding his gifts from us, no matter how many plates of cookies and glasses of milk we leave out for him. Luckily, that all ends on Saturday, when he resumes his normal course and speed! 

Expect your stalled plans to come out of hiding and start to move forward now, even if other planets (ahem: Mars) are mucking up the sky. What are your dearly-held dreams you were hoping 2020 would put within reach? You can still go claim them.

Nothing to “Hack” about this! We LOVE this aspect!

*Not all essential oils are created equal! Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils. If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link