Only one thing worth mentioning this week: Thursday’s annual Virgo New Moon! Get ready to have some fresh Fall starts :)
New Moon in Virgo on 9/17 at 7:00AM EST / 4:00AM PST:
This Thursday morning is all about making a fresh start, which, frankly, we could all use! Virgo tends to like things “just so,” so we all might borrow some “Virgin” energy and use this week to hash out detailed plans and “wonder”-storms. The new plans we all start after this New Moon will most likely be powerful and long-lasting, thanks to winks from Saturn and Pluto.
Virgo energy rules organization, productivity, routine, and health. If you’ve wanted to give Marie Kondo a try (or lose your COVID-19 that so many people have gained these past six months!), this New Moon can help you.
As with all New Moon, write your wishes or desires AFTER the New Moon has occurred at 7:00AM EST. Setting intentions anytime BEFORE the New Moon occurs will NOT have any power yet.
It’s kind of like playing BlackJack. You can have a 22, which is SUPER close to a 21, but you’re still OVER and out of the round. You lost.
Same thing with New Moons. Writing your wishes at 6:55AM EST doesn’t work, even though it’s really close, because the New Moon hasn’t occurred yet! That said, you can TOTALLY write your wishes or intentions up to 48 hours after the New Moon has occurred. Obviously, the closer to the time, the better—it just needs to be AFTER the cosmic event. Clear?
Essential Oil Protocols to Get In Shape with the Virgo New Moon:
Use Deep Blue essential oil* blend over sore muscles and to invigorate your joints pre- and post-workout.
Use 2-3 drops of Slim & Sassy essential oil* blend in your drinking water to curb your appetite and give you energy to get in shape.
Diffuser Blend to Get In Your Productive Groove:
💧 💧 Eucalyptus
💧 💧 Douglas Fir
💧 💧 Lemon essential oils*
To calm Perfectionistic Tendencies:
roll HD Clear essential oil blend on your heart.
*Not all essential oils are created equal! Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils. If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.