Astrology for the week of June 7 - 13, 2020

This week, we’re mainly still feeling and reeling from this past Friday’s Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. However, Neptune joins the fight, blurring our vision towards week’s end.

The Sun Squares Neptune on 6/11:

The Sun battles it out with boundary-blurring Neptune on Thursday, making it difficult to separate reality from the rabbit hole your imagination’s gone down. This trend can mark mental confusion, emotional disappointment and even a weakened immune system. Basically, we’ll be vulnerable in every sense of the word, if we aren’t careful. 

Your cosmic priority is to ground into what you know is true, so that you cannot be deceived or knocked off track. Yes, without normal human contact, and so many internet portals and screens begging for attention, a hackneyed idea can take a firmer grip on you than it would normally. So be proactive: meditate, get out in nature, or practice present moment awareness (PMA).

Mars conjuncts Neptune on 6/13:

This annual event puts action-oriented (aggressive) Mars in line with foggy Neptune. The result? Possibly taking steps forward when we don’t have all the information, or when we haven’t vetted the person in question. This transit ALSO makes us susceptible to emotional deceit and toxins in the body. 

If I were you, I would NOT lean into any escapist tendencies or potentially dangerous situations this weekend, as the star map hints at things not going smoothly. Meaning: press pause on the alcohol, drugs, or plant ceremonies for the weekend. Keep your antenna up if your protest turns into a riot or if you’re too close to an altercation. People will NOT be thinking clearly this weekend, and Mars only adds danger and fuel to the situation.

Sunday - Wednesday All-Star Protocol for ALL Signs:

Use 2 💧 Frankincense + Geranium essential oils* on your solar plexus and around your belly button to help process generational grief and replenish your emotional reserves from last week’s eclipse.

Thursday - Saturday All-Star Protocols for ALL Signs:

Use 2-3 💧 Balance essential oil blend* on the soles of your feet first thing in the morning, or anytime you need grounding.

Diffuse 6 💧 On Guard essential oil blend* and apply to bottoms of feet to support your immune system.

Use 2 💧 Tea Tree essential oil* on your wrists and around your belly button to release energetic hooks of deceptive types and moochers!

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link