Astrology for the week of May 31 - June 6, 2020

Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Eclipse Alert!

This week, the headline cosmic news is the beginning of our summertime eclipse season, with a once-a-year planetary meetup a couple days before.

The Sun syncs up with Venus on 6/3:

Every year, love planet Venus meets up with the Sun. For 2020, it’s happening on Wednesday, in the flirty, quick-witted sign of Gemini. This conjunction will inject a much-needed infusion of charm and charisma into our relationships, though—since Venus IS in retrograde this time around—the relationships that get brought up might be ones from the past. If you have the urge to reach out to an old colleague, business partner, flame, friend, long-lost relative, etc., Wednesday would be a fantastic day to pick up the phone or DM.

All-Star Protocols for ALL Signs:

Diffuse 2 💧 each of Siberian Fir, Lavender + Wild Orange essential oils* to see the silver lining in a key past relationship and communicate with effervescence and empathy.

Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 6/5 at 3:12PM EST / 12:12PM PST:

The highlight of the week by far is Friday’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. A Full Moon in general is a time of completion, culmination, and closure. Think back to the type of things/relationships you were starting after November 26, 2019 for clues to what may transpire for you personally.

A Full Moon that is also an Eclipse is like a super-sized Full Moon! Not literally, in the sky, but like a more jarring Full Moon times three. So the type of completion or closure might come out of the blue and smack you on your derrière. I’m talking: sudden break up, sudden decision, sudden notice your WeWork’s lease has ended and you need to move out of your office in a month.

With this Full Moon Eclipse, the key is NOT to get proactive yourself, but to see what information suddenly surfaces. You can act NEXT week, after the dust has settled and you understand more what’s up—and conveniently, before the Mercury Retrograde starts.

Unlike a New Moon, you will feel this trend for the 5-6 days leading up to and also after it occurs. So basically, this entire week and next, your cosmic “job” is to stay grounded, stay present, and allow the situation to unfold before you pounce.

All-Star Protocol for ALL Signs:

Diffuse 2 💧 each of Rosemary, Frankincense + Lemongrass essential oils* to help you see the truth in the situation that unfolds, clear what no longer serves you, and have the courage to make the changes required of you at this time.

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.