Hang onto your hats! We’ve come to the most exciting week of the whole year!
Mercury + the Sun move into the structured sign of Capricorn. And the same day that Capricorn Season begins—the Winter Solstice—we have a VERY EXCITING planetary aspect called The Great Conjunction, which only happens every 20 years.
(And, even THAT rare aspect is MORE special than normal when it happens this time around!)
Sunday, Dec 20th: Mercury enters Capricorn
This week and for the remainder of the year, our communication planet Mercury shakes off his wanderlust and marches into the serious sign of Capricorn. Our focus and attention will be “all business,” while we talk an awful lot about the Big Pictures of our lives, long-term goals, and structural plans to achieve them.
Expect your concentration to be in top form, while your ability to play and frolic might suffer. That’s ok. So much is going on that it makes sense that we might need to check things off our list right now, before the end of the year. Just make sure to leave a little room for empathy. And by all means, schedule 30 minutes to feel your feelings if tough stuff comes up—you can’t be productive ALL the time!
AstroOils® Mercury in Capricorn Diffuser Blend
(to be a Boss Babe while maintaining your humanity)
💧 💧 Frankincense
💧 💧 Basil
💧 💧 Lavender essential oils*
Monday, Dec 21st: Capricorn Season + the Winter Solstice + the Great Conjunction
Capricorn Season Begins / the Winter Solstice
Each year, the Sun moves into the strategic sign of Capricorn on the Winter Solstice. This is a day that denotes the first official day of wintertime in the Northern Hemisphere, and also the day with the shortest amount to daylight in the entire year.
Astrologically, the next month gets us to turn our outward focus onto our careers, our standing in our communities, and our long-term goals. And since the 21st is the darkest day of the year, and each day thereafter adds a couple more minutes of sunlight onto the day before—you can also consider this a type of personal rebirth or sorts.
In a way, it’s only up from here!
The Great Conjunction / The Great Mutation
A completely separate astrological happening is that for the first time in 20 years, structural Saturn and expansive Jupiter meet up! These two outer planets always meet up about every 20 years, but it’s very rare indeed that this time, it happens to fall on the day of the Winter Solstice. Consider it a “portal” of sorts…times two!
Every conjunction (or “meetup”) of Jupiter and Saturn tends to signal the beginning of a new cycle that we tend to see play out on the world stage. Jupiter rules abundance, political and religious/philosophical issues, while Saturn rules our big systems and structures, like our governments, systems of law and order, and big business. So, that kinda covers everything under the Sun that could possibly affect us, if you think about it.
Why is this one called The Great Mutation in addition to being called The Great Conjunction?
Every time Jupiter and Saturn meet up, we call it The Great Conjunction. However, all our Great Conjunctions tend to stay in the same element. For example, for the past 200 YEARS, all the Great Conjunctions (except the one in 1981) were in Earth Signs (Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus).
If you think about the past 200 years, we’ve been in a very “Industrial” age of consumerism and capitalism, which makes sense, considering the practical and fiscally-minded Earth Signs that all our Great Conjunctions have been in.
Thing is, THIS Great Conjunction on Monday, December 21, 2020 occurs in the AIR Sign Aquarius, right at the very beginning of the sign (0 degrees Aquarius)—and what’s more is that ALL the Great Conjunctions for the NEXT 200 years will ALL be in AIR Signs from now on! So, for the rest of our lives, all these new cycles started by Jupiter and Saturn meeting up will be influenced by the socially-minded, logical, mental, egalitarian Air Signs.
And this switch over from the 200-year Earth theme to the next 200-year Air theme is why THIS particular Great Conjunction is ALSO called The Great Mutation: because as of Monday, we will officially have “mutated” away from Earth and towards Air.
The Age of Aquarius
Many people have been talking about how this Great Mutation at 0 Degrees Aquarius denotes the real beginning of an Aquarian Age, and I DO see how that makes sense. What this means for all of us is that this new cycle will bring in the rebellious and humanitarian principles of the Water Bearer—away from the patriarchal, top-down hierarchies we’ve known thus far. Some expect this to be a revolutionary turning point toward a new and different world order.
Because Aquarius is such an unpredictable sign, it might be hard to see which way things are going to go. However, I do think there will be changes to our global economies, environmental polities, social justice and human rights, as well as our energy consumption.
We Have to Work For It
Jupiter rules freedom and Aquarius stands for power to the people. Saturn governs constrictions, planning, rules, and WORK and was previously in the sign of Capricorn, which thinks in hierarchies.
For ME, this means that we CAN have the true equality and justice for all that more and more of us desire and are working towards—but it’s going to take EFFORT. It’s going to take sweat, tears, and very possibly blood. Saturn doesn’t make it easy. Saturn asks us how much we TRULY desire the liberation we claim to want—and we have to EARN it. However, Saturn ALSO gives us fabulous mental faculties and strategic insight. Basically, we CAN have the world we want to have, but we have to FIGHT for it.
Not everything will be rosy
When I look at the chart of the Great Conjunction, one thing stands out to me: masculine, warrior planet Mars is forming a nasty square angle to Jupiter and Saturn. MY interpretation? There will be a lot of toxic masculinity (think: old angry white men) fighting us every step of the way towards this new world order and true sense of equality.
Cosmic Advice for the Great Conjunction
I don’t see The Great Conjunction as an “on/off” switch that magically changes our world from patriarchy to equality. We’re going to have to work for it, and we’re going to have opposition from the current people who enjoy so much privilege and social power. (I mean, why WOULD they want things to change?!)
However, I don’t see this day as one where we need to take tons of action: I think things will happen, and we will need to uphold our boundaries and respond with courage and great form. We will likely feel a different energy/vibe first, and then start to see the changes little by little, some faster and more shocking than others. This is more of a “notice what comes up” aspect, and most of us will be able to look back and realize what a turning point it really was in our lives and in our society.
AstroOils® “Age of Aquarius” Diffuser Blend
(For Fresh Starts, Acceptance, Tolerance, and Unity)
💧💧💧 Green Mandarin
💧💧 Pink Pepper
💧💧 Cedarwood essential oils*
*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.