Astrology for the week of September 12 - 18, 2021

Mars in Libra

Mars enters Libra on 9/14:

Energizer Mars enters the anti-confrontation sign of Libra on Tuesday, an awkward placement for him. Think of it this way: Mars rules our drive, courage, determination and ability to stand up for ourselves. Mars doesn’t tiptoe around conflict. Instead, Mars sees a strategy, makes a quick decision, and summons the life force energy and chutzpah to see it through.

Mars is in detriment in the sign of Libra, meaning that this isn’t the best placement for the warrior planet. You see, Libra loves to cooperate, make peace, collaborate with a partner, and not step on anyone’s toes. In fact, Libra tends to shy away from confrontation entirely, tries to see all sides of a situation, and often, doesn’t come to a final decision because of all this fairness!

So the big question from September 14th until October 31st is this: how do we be decisive, move FORWARD with our big plans, uphold our boundaries, and express our individual true wills—when the energy of the next six weeks is one of doing the opposite?

Hack Your Horoscope

Luckily for you, now that you KNOW this, you will understand WHY you aren’t feeling the same momentum you usually do. That, and I have some herbal plant remedies to help you gain clarity courage! Diffuse the following blend anytime from Tuesday, September 14th until Halloween!

AstroOils® Mars in Libra Diffuser Blend:

💧💧 Lemon

💧💧 Cassia

💧💧 Ginger

💧💧 Siberian Fir essential oils*

*Not all essential oils are created equal! Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils. If you don’t currently have these oils and would like to purchase them, please support my work by ordering them through me here.