Astrology for the week of June 13 - 19, 2021

Saturn Uranus square

Have we learned our lessons to build a brighter future? This week we see a big defining characteristic of 2021: the second of three Saturn-Uranus squares.

Uranus and Saturn clash on 6/14:

This is one of the defining characteristics of 2021: rebellious Uranus and structured Saturn form nasty squares THREE different times this year, and this Monday is the second of those three. (The first occurred on February 17th and the last will be December 23rd. After that, we won’t experience this aspect again until 2043!)

Uranus, which revolutionizes everything he touches, is currently in stalwart Taurus, which rules our financial systems and basic stability of society. Saturn, which rules hierarchies and traditions, is ironically in the rebellious sign of Aquarius (which is ruled by Uranus!).

When these two form a disruptive square on Monday, we all might struggle as our traditions and big systems (think: government, healthcare, corporations, etc.) clash with our ideas for change and equality for future generations. It’s not that change is bad, but the way it might show itself might be rocky and jarring indeed on the days surrounding Monday…and all year.

Cosmic Advice: be ready and receptive for anything. Communicate your vision for the future. Don’t throw the “baby” out with the “bathwater”…but also, don’t stubbornly remain stuck because you fear change. Ask yourself: “What Else Is Possible?”

AstroOils® “Tradition vs Change” Diffuser Blend

💧💧 Rosemary

💧💧 Green Mandarin 

💧💧 Frankincense essential oils*

Diffuse any time this week where you’re struggling to accept the future, dismissing the past, or find yourself irrationally handling change in unhealthy ways!

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.