Mars moves into Scorpio 10/30 - 12/13:
The BIG news this week is that warrior Mars enters the no-bullshit, sexy sign of Scorpio on Saturday, where he’ll reside until December 13th. Scorpio is one of Mars’s two home signs (the other is Aries). While Aries embodies the “courage” aspect of the hot-headed planet, Scorpio underscores his strategic side.
Seeing the big picture of your situation like a giant game of chess, and seeing five moves ahead. Intuiting what moves the other person will make, thanks to your “spidey sense.”
Trusting your inner knowing…your inner witch, your Holy Guardian Angel, your higher self, etc.
Unleashing unfettered Babylon energy: using kundalini energy, your 2nd Chakra, sex magic, your sacral energy center, etc., to fuel your path forward towards your goal.
Hack Your Horoscope
To truly make the most of this 6-week transit, let’s unleash the power sources inside us that will fuel Mars to reach our highest dreams. To do this, I like to use a blend of pure essential oils to connect to my sensual self (Patchouli), remind myself that love is the most potent power source of all (Rose), and spark my will into action (Ginger).
AstroOils® Mars in Scorpio Diffuser Blend:
💧 Ginger essential oils*
*Not all essential oils are created equal! Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils. If you don’t currently have these oils and would like to purchase them, please support my work by ordering them through me here.