Astrology for the week of August 23 - 29, 2020

happy birthday to me

Happy birthday to ME! 

I’ve officially been writing and posting my Weekly Cosmic Forecasts for over half a year! It’s been a fun ritual for myself to get clear on the energy trends and package them in a way that is both actionable and easy to digest for those I care about.

I am currently rethinking how I offer my thoughts and guidance to the world, with the emphasis on pleasurable ways to shine my light…as opposed to committing to a structure and feeling obligated to it (hello planets in Capricorn!). SO, currently, these Forecasts are staying as is, as I do them more for myself than for you. Instagram, however, is getting a reboot (hence, why I’ve walked away to allow myself to breathe the past couple months).

But just because something is dormant…doesn’t mean it’s DEAD.

You feel? When the timing is right, you’ll know my next moves.

So now onto our Weekly Cosmic Forecast!

On one hand, lots of confusing, conflicting cosmic activity is happening this week. On the other hand, if we look at the BIG PICTURE…not much is really going on.

Here’s what other astrologers will surely flip out about this week:

Mars squares Saturn on 8/24

Mercury trines Uranus on 8/25

Venus opposes Jupiter on 8/25

Venus trines Neptune on 8/27

Mercury trines Jupiter on 8/29

And I’m sure lots of their social media posts and emails will read like this: 

“Oh no! Stop everything on Tuesday! You’ll want to move forward, but cosmic forces are holding you back—it’s like driving with your foot on the break. But on Wednesday, you’ll be thinking clearly and will have your most eureka ideas yet! But not so fast—also on Tuesday there’s a serious opposition that could be a mixed bag for your finances and career success. But then Thursday, be careful if Mr. Right seems too good to be true, though your intuition and ability to create art will be spot on! Finally, on Saturday, your mind is on FIRE! Just remember you can’t really PROGRESS forward, even with all your ideas because of the influence of the original Mars-Saturn square.”

So, this is where we have an AstroOils® “coming to Goddess” moment here.

Yes, there are confusing energies at play this week. 

Yes, some things will hum smoothly along while others may seem to lock in place. 

Yes, some aspects of your life will seem clear while others may seem murky.

Please ask yourself: WHY do you need a horoscope to dictate to you which one is which?

Personally, when I “think” my way into the contradictory aspects of this week, eager to apply them to my life and fit each situation into one of the “camps,”—I feel my body contract. I feel a tightness, a heaviness.

That’s no way to live life!

If instead, we could be SO centered in our own energy—feel our own heartbeat and little ripples of cellular tingles and movements within our physical body—does it really matter which situation is moving forward and which is stuck?


And would you need to consult your horoscope to “tell you” that certain situations are moving along while others aren’t?

Sure as hell not.

Thing is, each relationship, project, idea, situation, etc. IS either moving forward and stagnating in place! Those are sort of the only options last time I checked. And the beauty is that you can be aware of what’s happening by just feeling into it and asking.

Consider that the Stars are validating whatever awareness you come up with on your own.

Consider that this week is a mixed bag of energy—but that you ultimately choose how and where you want to USE this energy, regardless of “what is.”

Consider that when you let your mind go down the rabbit hole of analyzing what “means” what, that you’ve already lost…and come back into your body.

Essential Oil Protocol to help you trust your inner wisdom:

  • Use one 💧 Frankincense on your third eye and 

  • Use one 💧 Geranium or Bergamot essential oil* on your heart chakra.

Essential Oil Protocol to stop thinking and start doing:

Use either Motivate blend or Litsea essential oil* on the bottoms of your feet.

Essential Oil Protocol to stop being your own worst critic:

Inhale and/or roll HD Clear essential oil* blend on your heart chakra! (Don’t forget to use on any skin blemishes!)

Essential Oil Diffuser Blend to Love Yourself Right Here, Right Now:

💧 💧 💧 Grapefruit

💧 💧 💧 Bergamot

*Not all essential oils are created equal! Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils. If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link