Astrology for the week of April 26 - May 2, 2020

To be free, or to be practical? To speak out or stay mum? Those are the questions this week, as one planet changes signs, others meet up, and still others clash.

The Sun syncs up with Uranus on 4/26:

The Sun’s annual meet up with radical Uranus on Sunday has us itching to break out of our quarantined moulds.  You can probably feel the restlessness in the springtime air, as many of us crave newness, excitement, and change. You might also experience something unexpected on this day that throws you for a loop. Cosmic advice? Indulge some of your comfort-busting urges, but do so SAFELY and practically (both the Sun and Uranus ARE in the sensible sign of Taurus, after all!). 

All-Star Protocols for ALL Signs:

Ground yourself by using 2 💧 of Balance essential oil* blend on the soles of your feet.

Diffuse 5 💧 Wild Orange + 2 💧 Arborvitae essential oils* to remain flexible and grounded while life throws you curve balls…or you throw LIFE curve balls!

Mercury changes sign to Taurus on 4/27:

Messenger Mercury moves into the earthy sign of the Bull on Monday April 27th until May 11th,  an energetic shift that slows down our chaotic and panicked pace…and has us thinking and talking about practical matters. The vibe if one of LESS impulse, MORE taking the next, small step forward. What “duck” can you “get in a row” over the next three weeks? Now’s not necessarily the time to wonder -storm or think BIG…it’s about having the shock and awe wear off and getting mobilized once more.

All-Star Protocol for ALL Signs:

Diffuse 3 💧 each of Black Spruce + Lavender essential oils* to communicate in a stabilizing, grounded way for the next few weeks. This will also help take you out of panic and into more grounded, sturdy emotional terrain.

Mercury squares Saturn on 4/28:

If you have an important message to get across, Tuesday, April 28th is NOT the day for it! You might feel stifled and emotionally repressed on this day…which could lead to misunderstandings if your normally exuberant nature turns to chilly silence. Better to wait until…

Mercury merges with Uranus on 4/30:

Now, TODAY’s a day when your ideas and words will be on fire…in a good, productive way! You’ll be innovative and creative, and will have the knack for saying the right thing to the right person at the right time!

All-Star Protocol for ALL Signs:

Use 1 💧 each of Spearmint, Lavender + Tangerine essential oils* on your throat chakra, to keep your words flowing smoothly and graciously.

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link. 

P.S. If you’re looking to improve your immune system and manage your stress levels at this time, I recently recorded an online class walking you through all my favorite self-care hacks and essential oil protocols to do precisely these two things. Here’s the link to the replay. If you need the right oils, the three starter collections I recommend are: this, this, and this.