A mixed-bag of three cosmic shifts happen this week, keeping us on our toes:
Venus + Saturn fight on 3/3
Frivolities take a back seat this Tuesday, as work needs to get done before you can enjoy yourself. Relationships might feel strain or constriction, especially burdened by the hum-drum of life’s hardships. Luckily, this is a short-lived influence. Mind your tongue, and maybe funnel your thoughts into something productive. Things will literally be different tomorrow!
All-Star Protocol:
Rub Vetiver essential oil* on the bottom of your feet, and rub Oregano oil* on the bottoms of your big toes. Try this preemptively in the morning and repeat as needed throughout the day to keep impatience, irritation and anger at bay.
Retrograde Mercury backs into Aquarius on 3/4
If you haven’t taken advantage of the gifts (yes, I said GIFTS!) of Mercury Retrograde yet, you have this week to do so! It helps that logical Mercury backs into fellow calm and collected air sign Aquarius today, which lightens all our loads. Instead of focusing on the scheduling and communication mishaps, try funneling this energy into reprising ideas and relationships from the past that can get a welcomed rebirth.
All-Star Protocol:
Place one drop each of Lavender, Cedarwood + Eucalyptus essential oils* in the palm of your hand. Quickly rub together and then inhale the scent from your palms for a full minute.
Venus changes sign to Taurus, also on 3/4
Relationships and general pleasure get a boost, as harmonious Venus enters one of the signs she rules (Taurus). This is a fabulous and easy placement for her, so wipe away any discontent from yesterday and enjoy life’s little (and not so little) luxuries. Dive deep into your sensual awareness to turn off your mind and turn your sense of well-being ON.
All-Star Diffuser Blend for ALL Zodiac Signs:
3 drops Lavender + 3 drops Whisper essential oil blend
*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils!