Astrology for the week of November 8-14, 2020

Scorpio New Moon.png

The cosmic smog lifts, while the virus rages on. 

Many astrological events occur this week, most beautiful for our personal microcosms: some planetary flirtations on Monday, a sign change for Mercury on Tuesday, Mars retrograde ending on Friday, and a gorgeous New Moon on Saturday night/Sunday early morning. In general, we’re starting to feel the stuck-ness and common consciousness sense of dread lift. Each week will seem to get better, through the end of 2020.

The only “fly in the honey” is the last of the three rare Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions that have defined 2020—and have tended to coincide with big waves of the novel Coronavirus in various parts of the U.S. and globe. This meeting of the two Power Planets occurs on Thursday.

Mercury enters Scorpio on 11/10:

Communication planet Mercury ended his retrograde last Tuesday and is gaining speed little by little as he wakes up. Now, he’s cruising past diplomatic Libra again and into the mysterious and shrewd zodiac sign of Scorpio. Expect that for the rest of November, your thinking patterns might be more obsessive and laser-focused on your goals. Your speech patterns will care less about other people’s feelings, as we all might swing between not sharing at all and intense, jabbing outbursts. We may also be able to bring to light and communicate whatever’s churning deep within us, so we may finally heal it.

Cosmic Advice? Try to land a balance between hiding your feelings and attacking your “opponent.” And maybe think twice before making that biting, sarcastic comment.

AstroOils® Protocol to Uncover and Soothe Communications:

Use 💧💧 of Copaiba essential oil* on your throat and across your chest region.

Jupiter conjuncts Pluto on 11/12:

This is the third of three rare meetups of these two planets, generally indicative of positive large-scale achievements in our lives. Pluto rules transformation and power, while Jupiter’s domain covers abundance and luck. If you choose to take the high road, you could have astounding results in your personal or professional affairs.

Look back to April 4th and June 30th for clues as to how this affects you personally.

On the macrocosm, our COVID-19 surges have tended to coincide with these same planetary meetups. Who would have thunk that Pluto ALSO rules over bacteria and viruses, and that Jupiter’s “expanding” properties would mean global pandemic for us all?!

All this to say: I do believe the rest of November and even December will see a third wave of virus cases. Yes, we should continue to take precautions, like social distancing and wearing masks. But after this wave, there won’t be another meetup of these planets for another 13 YEARS! So, I do think the worst of it might be nearing an end, even if it DOES take a while for our world to go back to “normal.”

Mars Retrograde Ends on 11/13:

Warrior planet Mars has been traveling backwards in the “me first!” sign of Aries since September 9th. During the past two months, we’ve seen many people revert to selfish, childish actions, fully dumping their personal responsibility on others’ sides on the “fence.” We’ve seen contracts broken, entitlement, not playing by the rules if it serves their own agenda. 

We’ve had to keep our cool to uphold our boundaries, reminding people of whatever process they’re trying to subvert. It’s been like being a Kindergarten teacher trying to explain rationally why—just because you “want” Sophie’s crayons—that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to TAKE Sophie’s crayons. Only, you’re explaining this to grown-ass adults.

Luckily, this retrograde ends, and we can finish up whatever business we’ve had since Mars first entered Aries on June 29th. We will again have the firepower and courage to move boldly forward.

Cosmic Advice? We’ll have through the end of 2020 to get cracking on all those big plans that’ve felt stalled all Fall. So, let’s get moving!

AstroOils® Diffuser Blend for Maximum Productivity (while maintaining Common Decency):

💧 💧 Lemongrass

💧 💧 Douglas Fir

💧      Pink Pepper essential oils*

New Moon in Scorpio on 9:07PM on 11/14 (PST) / 12:07AM on 11/15 (EST)

Finally! A New Moon worth cheering about! This Saturday night/early Sunday morning is our only New Moon in Scorpio for the year, indicating fresh starts and inspired actions in a certain area of your life, depending on your zodiac sign / birth chart.

My favorite way to commemorate a New Moon is to write my intentions sometime in the first 8-24 hours AFTER the moment the New Moon occurs. As per my favorite author on this, Jan Spiller, write your wishes in the POSITIVE TENSE, only about YOU, and try to include the type of ultimate outcome you desire instead of the particular manifestation you have your mind set on. 

Vision-boarding also works, too.

AstroOils® Scorpio New Moon Diffuser Blend:

💧 💧 Green Mandarin

💧 💧 Patchouli 

💧      Blue Tansy essential oils*

*Not all essential oils are created equal! Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils. If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.