Astrology for the week of November 29 - December 5, 2020

Gemini Lunar Eclipse

Two cosmic events—one big and one small—dominate this week: the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 30th, followed by a sign change for Mercury into the truthful (and brazen) sign of Sagittarius.

Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 11/30 at 4:30AM EST / 1:30AM PST:

A reminder of how this whole Eclipse thing works:

Each month (every 28-and-change days, really), we have a New Moon and a Full Moon. The New Moon will occur in the sign the Sun is currently in. (Example, if it’s “Cancer Season,” the New Moon will be in Cancer.) 

The Full Moon will occur two weeks later, in the sign OPPOSITE the Sun. (Example: if it’s “Sagittarius Season,” the FULL Moon will be in the opposite sign of Gemini. If I want to locate the Sagittarius Full Moon, however, I’ll have to look on my calendar to when the SUN is in the opposite sign—which is Gemini.)

New Moons are times when we begin relationships, projects, or new directions in our lives. They are times when we cast a vision and take steps towards that vision.

Full Moons, on the other hand, are times when those seeds we planted at that corresponding New Moon come to fruition, come to closure, end…or we have to make a big decision about said area of our life.

The New Moon and its corresponding Full moon happen roughly 6 months apart when you do the math. (Example: the New Moon in Sagittarius will happen during “Sagittarius Season” in Nov-Dec, and the Full Moon in that same sign will happen when the Sun’s in it’s OPPOSITE sign of Gemini, which is May-June…or roughly six months later.)

Between four (4) and six (6) of our New/Full Moons each year have a perfect alignment between the Sun, Moon and Earth (or Sun, Earth and Moon). These are called “Eclipses.” When these three celestial bodies perfectly align at a New Moon, it’s called a Solar Eclipse. When all three line up during a Full Moon, it’s called a Lunar Eclipse. Depending on where you’re located on the globe, you may or may not see anything spectacular in the sky, but astrologically, it will affect you.

Eclipse Meanings in Your Horoscope:

Think of an eclipse as the New- or Full Moon on which it falls…super-sized! A New Moon Solar Eclipse is like a New Moon times three. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is like a Full Moon times three (or MORE!).

These 4-to-6 times a year tend to be when sudden changes happen AT us. We find out new information, secrets are revealed, big decisions are forced, relationships or situations end or begin abruptly.

These are NOT the times to make big decisions on your own volition. These are times to keep your eyes open and assess the chaos that lands around you. When the dust settles, you can be more proactive.

Eclipses in 2020:

This year, we have SIX different eclipses, which is the most you can have in a year. Imagine THAT…2020 being full of chaos and upheaval…you don’t say!

Eclipses Come In Groups:

Eclipses occur on a particular “axis,” or pairing of opposite zodiac signs, for roughly 2 to 2.5 years. During these two-ish years, your life will utterly change in these two opposing sectors of your horoscope wheel! You won’t see that particular series again for about seven (7) years.

Then they move onto the NEXT pairing of opposite zodiac signs. Thing is, eclipses follow the North and South Nodes, which move backward…so after the current Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse series, it moves backwards to the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse series, etc.

This Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is the SECOND in its series.

The Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse series started June 5, 2020 with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Before that, we had eight different eclipses on the Cancer-Capricorn axis, which ended this past summer on July 5, 2020. (Sometimes, the series will overlap with the next, which is why we started the Gemini-Sagittarius series before the Cancer-Capricorn one was fully finished.)

Here are the areas of your life where you’re likely to see the greatest changes in the current series:

Aries + Libra: Communication vs Outlook/Philosophy on Life (or being Local vs Global)

Taurus + Scorpio: All about Money! (Earned Income vs Sharing Resources with others)

Gemini + Sagittarius: Self/Identity-defining dreams vs Partnerships/Cooperation

Cancer + Capricorn: Work/Health vs Psyche/Healing

Leo + Aquarius: Love/Creativity vs Community/Higher Purpose

Virgo + Pisces: Career vs Home (or balancing your inner masculine and feminine energies)

Look back to May 22, 2020:

The eclipse Monday specifically correlates to the Gemini New Moon that occurred last May. See what torrid romance or job or special project started that week before Memorial Day to get more clues about what situation will come into focus (or come crashing down?) this time around.

Universal Energy of this Eclipse:

Being a Full Moon in Gemini, this lunar cycle normally signals a time to bring communications, sibling matters and short-distance trips—as well as whatever situation was highlighted in the couple weeks after the May 22nd New Moon—to a successful (+ positive) culmination. However, since this Full Moon happens to be an Eclipse, we shouldn’t go out of our way to make big decisions or changes until the clearer skies of next week.

AstroOils® Gemini Lunar Eclipse Diffuser Blend:

💧💧  Lavender 

💧 💧 Siberian Fir

💧 💧 Basil essential oils*

Mercury enters Sagittarius on 12/1:

When communication planet Mercury enters the adventurous albeit undiplomatic sign of the Archer on Tuesday, we all might suffer a bit with regards to how we think and how we get our messaging across. For the next three weeks, we might REALLY struggle with staying focused, since there are so many exciting things to do and people to Zoom with or see (in a socially-distant manner, of course!).  The way we speak, post, and write might be more brazen, as this sign favors truthfulness at all costs, regardless of reactions, hurt feelings, or outcomes.

AstroOils® Diffuser Blend for Focus and Poise:

💧 💧 Hawaiian Sandalwood

💧 💧 Rosemary

💧 💧 Lemon essential oils*

*Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®) essential oils! If you’d like to purchase the oils to Hack this week’s Astrology, just click this link.