Mini Reading + Personalized Essential Oil Protocol (30 min)
Mini Reading + Personalized Essential Oil Protocol (30 min)
Already know your personality, but just want to know what happens now, over the next 3-6 months?? That's where my AstroOils Mini-Reading comes in!
In this short, to-the-point astrological consultation, I show you the areas of your life where energy is "on sale"...or where you may have hiccups.
Then, I "prescribe" a personalized Essential Oil "magic potion" to help you take hold of the opportunity or bust through the blocks!
Already know your personality, but just want to know what happens now, over the next 3-6 months?? That's where my AstroOils Mini-Reading comes in!
In this short, to-the-point astrological consultation, I show you the areas of your life where energy is "on sale"...or where you may have hiccups.
Then, I "prescribe" a personalized Essential Oil "magic potion" to help you take hold of the opportunity or bust through the blocks!