Astrology for the week of October 17 - 23, 2021

This is a busy week astrologically, starting with two planets—Jupiter and Mercury—finally zooming forward after various cosmic slowdowns, a loud Full Moon in Aries midweek, and intense Scorpio Season starting up by week’s end. Find out exactly what this means for YOU—and get witchy ways to Hack Your Horoscope—in this week’s Weekly Cosmic Forecast by AstroOils®.

Astrology for the week of September 26 - October 2, 2021

Get ready to think twice! Mercury—the little planet that rules our thinking and communication—does his final backspin of 2021 on Sunday night / early Monday morning. This transit will have us on our toes in how we communicate in our closest relationships. Find out the nitty gritty + get witchy ways to Hack Your Horoscope in this week’s Weekly Cosmic Forecast by AstroOils®!